Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Each new day is a new beginning of life.

At least I hope it is. This is the quote on my desk today. I'm going to try hard to make that a truth and not just a quote.

I tried so hard to get to bed early last night. "Early" ended up being 9:30, which is much better than the 11:30 or midnight of the last few days, but still not as early as I had hoped. My alarm went off at 5:40 and I was still so darn exhausted. After hitting the snooze alarm SEVERAL times, I finally got up, got on the stupid treadmill. I only did 30 mins. In part because I slept too late, in part because my stupid hip was hurting. Again. But at least it's a start. I'm back on the water again too.

I have to make this a new life. I have to change the way I think of food and exercise and life in general. I've only done one thing in my life that was harder than this.

A group I'm on had a Scrap from your Stash challenge that ran from May 20th to June 3rd. I did 319 pages in that time. And I didn't do the most on the group. But I am so thrilled that I got so much done. I have my album from NYC completed, the album from a Packers preseason football game last year done, 2005 done, 2004 done, and I'm almost up to date on 2006. I have a huge stack of layouts for Annabelle's album. And I even did a few BOM layouts. AND I finally got Stephen's Star Trek album done from the convention we went to in 2002. So nice to have some progress finally somewhere in my life.

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