Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Seems I'm on the rollercoaster again. I swear I've gained and lost these same three pounds my entire life. The stupid scale keeps yo-yoing, and it's about to drive me nuts. Doesn't help that I'm starving this afternoon. I'd give anything for a blizzard right now.

I did manage to do a layout this weekend.

Not very inspiring, a lot like my life! LOL! Sorry for the glare.
The pics under the glare are of the salsa being mixed in one and sampled by Stephen in the pot in the other.

I thought we were going to get away for a couple of days over the Labor Day weekend. Stephen decided he didn't want to spend the money, so I guess we'll stay at home and do nothing, like we do every time we're off on vacation. I know we shouldn't spend the money, but it would be nice to get away for just a day or two. He did at least promise me that we wouldn't do anything with the nephew-from-Hades.

My knee is still hurting. I wish I knew what I did to it. I didn't walk on the treadmill this weekend, and I didn't walk as hard as I normally do yesterday, but it still was hurting me pretty bad. So this morning I walked as fast as normal and I can't tell that I've made it any worse. Definitely not better, but not worse. It's so darn frustrating. Oh, and I had a stupid migraine yesterday too. I'm not convinced cutting the dosage of my pills was the answer to my problems.

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