Tuesday, May 02, 2006

down 3!!

The rest of my day may end up in the gutter, but it started off on a great note. I got up and weighed before getting on the treadmill (45 mins) and I was thrilled to see I'm down 3 lbs! What a great surprise that was!

Last night was pretty much a bust. I came home and started to preheat the oven for supper. Stephen came home and informed me his trainer told him that he's eating too many calories and that he could only have two bagels for supper, so not to bother cooking. Okay. Great. Now why is it that when I told him he should only be eating 2000-2200 calories a day, he wouldn't believe me but when his trainer told him the same thing, he'll listen to him? Duh Stephen! He told me his trainer told him no more than 2200, but Stephen told him he would do 2500. Must be nice. If I eat more than 1000-1100, I gain weight! So, I warmed up a bowl of lf chili and that was that. I picked out two Becky Higgins sketch layouts for some photos I had but that was it. My head was killing me by then, so getting anything else done wasn't going to happen. And of course when I tried to get to sleep, my head was hurting too bad to sleep. And naturally I have a headache already this morning. *sigh*

But at least I'm down to 195! :)

Monday ~

~ 42 mins treadmill
~ salad
~ lf bowl of chili
~ one Hershey's kiss
~ 10 glasses of water


Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!! You are doing such a great job. Too funny about Stephen. Not surprising though. Hope you can kick that headache today.

Tanya said...

Congrats on the 3 lbs, Sussann! That's great!