Thursday, March 30, 2006

should have posted Wednesday

but it was a long, long day. By the time I got home from class I was too tired to post. I got up at 5:30. Managed to walk on the treadmill and still get to my class on time. Considering I had to eat fast food, I think I managed to do pretty good.

One of the ladies in the class hurt my feelings. Big surprise there. She asked me when my baby was due. Considering I had to sit behind the fat hag (yes, she was very over weight too!) the rest of the day, I bit my tongue and just said, oh I'm not pregnant and changed the subject. Why in heaven's name do people think it's okay to ask questions like that?! Maybe I should have countered with "when is your baby due you fat witch?" But in the spirit of killing her with kindness, I didn't say a word. *sigh*

Soooo, Tuesday's day ended up like this:

~ 25 mins on the treadmill
~ a bagel for breakfast
~ a salad for lunch
~ a low fat chicken bean roll for supper
~ four wheat crackers with reduced fat peanut butter

Then Wednesday:

~ 25 mins on the treadmill
~ a bagel for breakfast
~ a roast beef and cheddar sandwich with a few fries for lunch
~ a chocolate chip cookie (they had them in the seminar room, and I know I should have resisted!)
~ a low fat chicken bean roll for supper with a small serving of wheat Sunchips
~ two wheat crackers with reduced fat peanut butter

I should have walked this morning but I woke up with a headache and just couldn't force myself out of bed. Maybe I can walk when I get home from work. Heaven knows I need to!

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